International Islamic University Malaysia

International Islamic University Malaysia
Garden of Knowledge and Virtue

Malaysia time:

The role of teachers from Islamic Perspective:

It is He Who has sent amongst the Unlettered an apostle from among themselves, to rehearse to them His Signs, to sanctify them, and to instruct them in Scripture and Wisdom,- although they had been, before, in manifest error;- Al-Jumaah Verse 2.

Form 3 Moral Students, SMK Hillcrest.

Form 3 Moral Students, SMK Hillcrest.

Multi race peoples in Malaysia society.

Multi race peoples in Malaysia society.
Chinese, Punjabi, Malay and Indian

Sunday, March 22, 2009

The corruption of soul

Human soul is always in neutral condition. It is can turns from good and also can be bad person. Allah says; By the Soul, and the proportion and order given to it; And its enlightenment as to its wrong and its right; Truly he succeeds that purifies it, And he fails that corrupts it![1]
This statements clearly states about our soul can achieve high moral standard but at the same time can be corrupted. Doing the good deeds can obtain rewards, and also punishment for those who are failed to do so.[2]
The good human behavior is obtained from the strong individual self-awareness. There are some steps and strategies to get strong self-awareness to reach it level by level. The final stage is punishment. It is a long process until human can discovery his true aims in their life. By doing this, the rational soul inside of each human will overcome the animal soul. If the energy of rational soul is week, then the soul becomes destruction, power than mind and action.

[1] The Quran, 91:7~10
[2] For more details, see The Quran, 3:148

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