International Islamic University Malaysia

International Islamic University Malaysia
Garden of Knowledge and Virtue

Malaysia time:

The role of teachers from Islamic Perspective:

It is He Who has sent amongst the Unlettered an apostle from among themselves, to rehearse to them His Signs, to sanctify them, and to instruct them in Scripture and Wisdom,- although they had been, before, in manifest error;- Al-Jumaah Verse 2.

Form 3 Moral Students, SMK Hillcrest.

Form 3 Moral Students, SMK Hillcrest.

Multi race peoples in Malaysia society.

Multi race peoples in Malaysia society.
Chinese, Punjabi, Malay and Indian

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Moral education pedagogy in school

What is the best technique in teaching moral? Value is abstract, complex, having difference meaning of each person perspectives and sometimes blur. Some philosophers argue the teaching of values should be directly or indirectly. This will make the meaningful learning. Kohlberg theory emphasizes on cognitive thinking while Kant with his ethical theory emphasizes on attitude, or effective consequences on action before and after action. Teaching values is not like we teaching Maths, Science, Bio, Health Education etc. You can assess student achievement after teaching-learning process. But, how to ensure that values is internalize? If you student gets A in moral subject, how far the values integrated inside themselves, social and worldwide?
Well, I have referred many books, and one of the pedagogy in teaching value is story telling. The sound is so interesting. It covered both domain cognitive and domain affective student. As teachers, we should use appropriate strategies, approaches, techniques and methods. Do not forget the philosophy elements like metaphysic, axiology, logic and epistemology.


Anonymous said...

Siapa wanita itu Dr. Rosnani Hashim? Cakap terlalu banyak!

Anonymous said...

Siapa wanita itu Dr. Rosnani Hashim? cakap terlalu banyak!

Anonymous said...

A racist comment coming from a racist lecturer teaching in a racist U. Who is she?

No wonder we still have forum telling us to "Listen! Listen! Listen"!

Anonymous said...

What is the best technique in teaching moral?


Send them to UMNO or BTN for 1 month intensive training!!

Anonymous said...

Mr.Anonymus....if u dnt know Rosnani Hashim....clearly..u a level of poverty ilm...the most ignorance...n...yet..uhhhhh victims of imbalance emotional states...

Anonymous said...

Salam everyone? I am a lecturer teaching moral development from psychological perspective at INSTED IIUM. What is all this racism issues and Prof Rosnani? Clarify please.